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Replacement Insoles & Sock Liners

About Replacement Insoles & Sock Liners

What are replacement insoles and sock liners?

Sock liners – also known as replacement insoles – are insoles designed to simply replace a worn-out factory insole that originally came in your shoes without adding any support. These insoles are typically flat or have only minor shape contours to ensure that they fit nicely inside almost all shoes. The purpose of sock liners is to add some degree of cushioning under your feet, and to provide a separating layer between your feet and the rough bottom of the shoe.

How do I choose the right sock liner?

The most important factor in choosing a sock liner is the thickness of the insole. If you have minimalist or tight-fitting shoes, you’ll want a very thin sock liner to ensure that your feet have sufficient room in your shoes. Similarly, if you have roomy shoes or are looking to take up more volume in your shoes, a thicker sock liner is more appropriate. For a one-to-one replacement, try to find a replacement insole roughly the same thickness as the factory insole you’re replacing.

I can’t find a replacement insole for my shoe’s brand?

Most shoe manufacturers do not make their factory insoles available for purchase, so it’s often difficult to replace a worn-out factory insole with the exact same insole that came in your shoes originally. However, replacement insoles and sock liners are designed to fit in almost any shoe, meaning that you don’t need to shop for your shoe’s brand when shopping for a replacement insole. There are a lot of replacement insole options available, and we can help find the closest match for your worn-out factory insole if you can provide us with a picture and description of the factory insole.

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