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Learning Center

Taking 10,000 Steps a Day With You!


  1. Insole Guide: How to Choose the Right Insole for You
  2. Insole Finder: Let Our Insole Finder Recommend the Perfect Insole for Your Needs
  3. Blogs & Articles: From Buying Guides to Product Reviews to Foot Care Articles
  4. About Us & Customer Testimonials
  5. Other Helpful Resources

Insole Guide

How to Choose the Right Insole for You

Our insole guide was written to help explain the major factors that should be considered when choosing an insole. It's a great place to start when you begin shopping for an insole so that you can be aware of all the different features available with different insoles!

Looking for a Product Recommendation?

Let our Insole Finder find the perfect insole for you!

Try our Insole Finder to get recommendations based on your individual needs. Or contact our team and we can help recommend some products for you!

About Us

  • Our Mission

    We believe that overall body health starts from the ground up, and our focus has always been on supporting and promoting foot and lower-body health.

  • Our History

    The Insole Store first started business in 2007 as a Spenco retail partner before adding other major brands such as PowerStep, Superfeet, New Balance, and more!

  • Our Advantage

    Between having the largest selection of quality insoles online, offering free & fast shipping, maintaining a dedicated customer support team, and more, there's a lot we offer!

Customer Testimonials

We collect reviews from our customers about the quality of service and support they received when shopping with us here at The Insole Store. We're happy to have maintained an "Excellent" rating for years, and we aim to continue this trend for more years to come!

Other Helpful Resources

  • Size Guide

    We represent the sizes of insoles and footwear in both the manufacturer's sizing as well as U.S. shoe sizing. If you need to determine the best size for you, or if you're looking to convert U.S. shoe sizes to U.K. or European shoe sizes, our Size Guide will help!

  • Foot Care Terms Glossary

    There's a lot of terms used when discussing insoles, foot health, and foot conditions that may not always be a familiar term to most people. That's why we compiled a list of common (and not-so-common but still important) terms into an easy-to-navigate glossary. Want to find out what a term means? Just check the Foot Care Terms Glossary for a definition, explanation, and examples!