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Achilles Tendinitis

About Achilles Tendinitis

What is Achilles tendinitis?

Achilles Tendinitis is the inflammation of the Achilles tendon, which located on the back of the leg mear the ankle where the different tendons of the back of the leg meet.

When this tendon is inflamed, it becomes very difficult to walk, especially in the morning when getting out of bed. Standing, running, and jumping aggravates the condition. The pain may be a burning sensation, piercing pain, or even radiate to other parts of the foot or leg. Achilles tendinitis may precede a rupture of the tendon, which would require surgery for treatment.

What are the most common causes of Achilles tendinitis?

Activities that cause stress and strain on the Achilles tendon, especially in situations where the Achilles tendon has not been properly stretched, can cause Achilles tendinitis.

Any activity that puts excess strain on the Achilles tendon can cause Achilles tendinitis. In particular, jumping without having first stretched or without proper foot support and shock absorption, and activities that may cause sustained strain on the tendon such as ballet and dance can lead to Achilles tendinitis more quickly. Even activities such as running or lifting can lead to Achilles tendinitis without proper stretching and support.

How do I prevent Achilles tendinitis?

The best way to prevent Achilles tendinitis is by stretching your foot and ankle before any strenuous activity, even running or walking. Simple stretches just to ensure a good range of movement and flexibility of the tendon are good at preventing injury.

If performing activities which will cause repeated or sustained strain on the Achilles tendon, in addition to stretching we recommend ensuring that your foot and ankle have proper support and shock absorption to mitigate the risk of injury. Ankle braces and heel cushions work great for this purpose.

How do I treat Achilles tendinitis?

Achilles tendinitis is treated by alleviating strain on the Achilles tendon to allow the tendon to heal without further injury.

Avoiding high-impact activities is strongly recommended. The use of shoes, insoles, and shoe inserts which elevate the heel will all help take normal strain off the tendon during normal day-to-day activities. Over-the-counter medication to reduce swelling and inflammation will help to alleviate some of the pain that results from Achilles tendinitis.

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