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The History of Spenco

2 minute read

Spenco was founded in 1967 by Dr. Wayman Spence. Dr. Spence created innovative foot ware and other products to help bring millions of people relief from common foot pain and fatigue. Now Spenco has products to help relieve pain from multiple sources of foot pain and discomfort and sells them nationwide through authorized dealers. Starting with just a few products in the beginning, Spenco grew into a company that provides dozens of foot care products for men, women, and children. These products are appropriate for use during many activities including running, walking, golfing, and playing many high impact sports as well as for just plain ole ordinary everyday living.

Spenco is dedicated to finding and authorizing only select dealers to distribute their products. Outstanding customer service is a must. That is why, at we are available to help you find the right products for your specific need and your unique feet. maintains a library of foot care information through our vast array of Foot Care Articles. We feel that the more you know the better you can participate in selection of the precise product for your particular need, whether it is for prevention or recovery, either from a major or minor injury.

Over the years many customers have written in about their experiences with Spenco insoles. Many of those people are average athletes who do what they do for enjoyment. Runners write in about relief from shin splints and heel spurs, football players write in about more stable ankles and better performance, and basketball players write in about greater flexibility and more motion on the court.

Then there are those who write in because they got relief from a painful disorder or injury. Feel free to read though all the reviews and testimonials about Spenco products. We at have worked hard to be a leader in pain relief. We always honor all manufacturers guarantees and warranties. Every pair of Spenco Insoles comes with a one year unconditional guarantee and is approved by the American Podiatric Medical Association approved.

Find your perfect pair of Spenco Insoles today, at!


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