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The Superfeet Company History – Since 1982

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It wasn’t until 1982 when an engineering-minded man named Johnny Walker translated the Superfeet designs into a distinct shape that could be mass-produced. And by 1985, the company was established with a storefront in Canada (one in Vancouver and one in Whistler, B.C.) where they sold their SUperfeet insoles and orthotics. Their customers at that time were primarily skiers who were looking for greater performance in their feet.

A year later, it was time to focus on the medical market. With all the feet problems that podiatrists needed solutions for, there was plenty of work to be done! Superfeet orthotics and insoles were making a name for themselves and thousands were sold. By 1987, Superfeet had to add a customer service department, and focus on shipping efficiency.

And the next year, the efforts of Jeff Gray paid off. He had been evangelizing orthotics and insoles to skiing conferences and clinics and Superfeet executives asked him to join the company. Soon in 1990, Superfeet asked Scott Doner to lend his expertise to the company and make them grow from small to large. Some key sales representatives were also added to the team during this time.

In 1993, the market of orthotics insoles and shoe inserts say the Superfeet Company take a big risk and release the Trim-to-Fit Program. Realizing that not everyone’s feet were exactly alike, they offered people the opportunity to simply cut the insoles to fit their own shoes. The way to do this is to use the original shoe insert or insole as a template and then draw the outline on the new Superfeet insoles. Then trim away the excess. It worked very well for those who spent hours hiking, running, hunting, and spending a lot of time outdoors.

With all the new Superfeet Company sales and company growth, they decided to move to Ferndale, Washington in 1993. At this new location, there was room reserved for training their retail store partners. They called their training the Superfeet University. All these efforts were paying off and the word about Superfeet insoles and orthotics was traveling. By 1995, the outdoor wear company, REI began ordering Superfeet insoles and orthotics. And the company picked up a Japanese retailer as well. Now Superfeet was heralded as an international company.

In 2001, a new line of Superfeet orthotics and insoles was created – specifically for dress shoes. This Superfeet product line was called Footnotes and was meant for high heel wearers, too. These orthotic insoles were ¾ length.

By 2005, a new Superfeet President named Bill McClean led the company. All his knowledge and experience in the industry soon led to a stock ownership program for employees the following year, with employees owning 40% of the Superfeet Company. In 2008, the company was ranked as one of the best places to work in the U.S. by Outside Magazine and again in 2010.

And in 2012, Superfeet set up a subsidiary in Edinburgh, Scotland. A new President in the year 2013, JohnRauvola begain initiating a whole new look to the insoles and products. Not only that, but technological advances added a new carbon fiber and blended polymer material with a super lightweight type of foam. The result:  better performance that can be expected with Superfeet insoles and orthotics.

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