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Product Recommendation: Best Insoles & Inserts for Adding Volume to Shoes

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Tim asks us:

I have a pair of shoes that are slightly too large for my feet, but I can’t get another pair of these in a smaller size since they were limited edition. Do you have anything that would work to help fill them?

Hi Tim! Thanks for your question! We have a few solutions that might help you achieve a better fit in a pair of shoes that's slightly too big by taking up some of the extra volume and preventing your foot from sliding around in your shoes.

Volume-Filling Insoles

When it comes to thick insoles that can help take up some extra volume, you'll need to make a choice between replacing your existing insoles with something thicker, or adding a cushion beneath your existing insoles.

As far as replacement options, our top choices would be either the 10 Seconds 3020 Pressure Relief Insoles or the FORM Memory Foam Cushioned Insoles. Both will provide just a little bit of added support, but most important is that both insoles feature a good amount of cushioning that will help take up a good amount of volume in your shoes.

If you're looking to just add a cushion below your existing insoles, the Spenco Comfort Insoles or the Pedag Soft Insoles are your best options. The Spenco Comfort are the thicker of the two at just under 3mm thick, while the Pedag Soft are 2mm thick. Both are completely flat insoles designed to sit underneath your existing insoles to add additional cushioning and volume.

Which route you take — either replacing your insoles entirely or adding a flat insole to your existing insoles — is entirely up to your preference. In either case, just make sure that the size insole you purchase is based on the size shoe that they are being placed in, not your foot size; this will prevent the insole from sliding in your shoes.

Anti-Slip Grips

Depending on the style of shoe and just how loose they are, you might also need to consider a few other products to help stop your foot from slipping out of the shoe or sliding around inside the shoe when you walk:

  • To stop your heel from slipping out of your shoe, heel liners/heel grips are a low-cost solution. Check out the Sof Sole Heel Liners or Pedag Stop Heel Grips for some examples. Your local shoe shop may also have a similar product available, too.
  • If your foot slides forward in your shoes while wearing them, insoles can't really help take up extra room in the toes. However, you might find a ball-of-foot cushion to be an effective solution. In many cases, the ball-of-foot cushion will help add some additional padding and grip to help stop your foot from moving about. The Pedag Leather 1/2 Inserts or the Sof Sole Gel Ball-of-Foot Cushions tend to work well here.

As always, let us know if you have any thoughts or questions! We're always happy to answer them!

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Every day, we receive a number of requests from shoppers on our website asking for recommendations for products or solutions that would work best for their unique needs. We take some of these requests and post them here to help other shoppers with similar needs find products that are a good fit!

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