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Product Recommendation: Top Recommendations for Metatarsalgia

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Sharlene asks us:

I've been diagnosed with metatarsalgia and am looking for the best options to provide me with good metatarsal support. What do you suggest?

Hi Sharlene! No problem at all, we're happy to make a few suggestions! We'll give you two different metatarsal support insoles to look at — one with a firm arch support and one with a more flexible arch support, depending on your preference — as well as our top two suggestions for metatarsal pad inserts that may allow you to add metatarsal support to your existing insole without purchasing an entirely new insole.

For insoles:

  1. When it comes to providing a good combination of metatarsal support and arch support, the PowerStep Pinnacle Plus Met Insoles are what comes to mind first and foremost. These are one of our most popular metatarsal insoles. The Pinnacle Plus feature a semi-rigid arch support, built-in metatarsal pad, a deep heel cup, and a moderate amount of cushioning throughout the entire insole. They make for a great all-around support insole, and they'll fit into most footwear except for extremely tight-fitting shoes, making them extremely versatile, too.
  2. If you want something with a little less support, we'd suggest the 10 Seconds 3030 Pressure Relief Insoles with Metatarsal Support. These insoles feature a fully flexible arch support combined with plush cushioning throughout and a cushioning pad that runs from the base of the heel all the way through the metatarsals, giving great cushioned support for the arch and metatarsals of the foot. These are a little on the thicker side, so they won't fit in tighter-fitting shoes, but they offer unrivaled comfort and cushioning.

For metatarsal pads:

  1. The OC9 Metatarsal Pads are easily one of the best "bang-for-your-buck" metatarsal pads out there. They offer moderately-firm metatarsal support and can be added to your existing shoe insoles easily via an adhesive backing already on the met pads. Additionally, you can choose the high profile design for greater support, or the low profile design for less support.
  2. The Pedag T-Form Metatarsal Pads offer a plush cushioning solution to metatarsal support. These inserts are relatively thickly cushioned, offering support for the metatarsals of your foot via a thick cushion versus a firm support. Again, these can easily be added to your existing shoe insoles via a built-on adhesive backing.

In general, we recommend metatarsal insoles over metatarsal pads, simply because the support that a metatarsal insole provides is more holistic than simply adding a metatarsal pad to your current footwear. However, if you're looking for just a bit of metatarsal support or cushioning, or if your budget doesn't allow for a full insole, a metatarsal pad is a great solution all the same.

As always, let us know if you have any thoughts or questions!

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