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Extra Thick Shoe Insoles: Cushion Support and Volume Filling

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One of the top requests we always receive for foot pain relief (or big shoes) is for extra thick shoe insoles.  While it maybe a misconception that a big, cushioned insole maybe better than an orthotic arch support, there is something to be said for thick cushioning when dealing with superior weight and shock absorption. For those who stand on their feet all day (at work or play), deal with bruised feet or foot pain, or simply need to fill some additional space in their shoes, extra thick insoles often are the solution.

If you’re seeking the thickest of cushioned insoles, we offer a few styles in both pure cushion insoles and orthotic arch support styles.

Thick Cushioned Insoles:

Thick Orthotic Arch Supports:

Volume-Filling Insoles

Another request, on the same topic, is completely unrelated to foot pain. The question is, “Do you have insoles to fill unwanted/excess space in my shoes?”

Taking up volume in a shoe isn’t always easy or precise, but we offer a varying range of insoles to assist in taking up that extra space in a shoe. The below list are some of our top recommendations, sorted from thinnest to thickest insole:

There is an insole to suit any need, let assist you in finding the best thick insoles for your feet!

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