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PowerStep Pinnacle Dress Full-Length Insoles Review: Comfort & Foot Pain Relief All In One

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As of late we have been excited by the new insoles that have come onto the market, and PowerStep Insoles by Stable Step, has certainly knocked it out of the park with their new leather orthotic arch supports in both a 3/4-length and a full-length shoe insole style. The PowerStep Pinnacle Dress Full-Length Insoles offer the patented PowerStep orthotic support with a soft nylon top cover for a luxurious feel with casual and dress shoes and boots. The PowerStep Pinnacle Dress Full-Length Insoles  both stabilizes and supports the foot and aids in both relieving foot pain, preventing, and treat foot conditions. The PowerStep Pinnacle Dress Full-Length Insoles are APMA Accepted (American Podiatrist Medical Association) and carry the patented PowerStep orthotic heel and arch support -that they are so well known for.

The PowerStep Pinnacle Dress Full-Length Insoles are ideal for:

  • Ankle & Knee Pain
  • Bunions & Callouses
  • Claw Toes
  • Foot Arch & Heel Pain
  • Hammertoes
  • Mild to Moderate Over-Pronation
  • Metatarsalgia
  • Neuromas
  • Plantar Fasciitis & more
Typically, I either wear a tighter fitting leather casual or converse type athletic shoe and for the PowerStep Pinnacle Dress Full-Length Insoles, I choose my leather casual shoes. They did not take up to much space in my shoe and more than attically supported my neutral foot arch and relieved foot pain from standing on concrete all day. I was a bit worried as I do not have a foot condition and typically enjoy a good cushion insole when I'm on concrete -so to say that I was a bit surprised was an understatement.
I was also pleasantly surprised by the quality of the materials. The top cover is certainly has a soft and rich feels nice to the barefoot. After 3-4 weeks of wearing the orthotics while barefoot, they were not discolored, absorbed (nor retained) any foot odors, nor broken down (or torn as lesser qualities do).  For those seeking a nice arch support, I would highly recommend the PowerStep Pinnacle Dress Full-Length Insoles. The orthotic arch of the Pinnacle Dress offers the traditional Powerstep semi-rigid support that offers supportive shock absorption, prevents over collapsing, and a nice rebound of energy to assist upward foot movement in one's stide into their next step.
Check out the PowerStep Pinnacle Dress Full-Length Insoles at, today!


Please Note: The PowerStep Pinnacle Dress Full-Length Insoles we're fomerly the PowerStep Signature Leather Orthotics.

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