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Raynauds Disease - Symptoms & Treatment

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This rare disorder affects the blood vessels usually in the fingers and toes although Raynauds Disease also can effect other areas such as the tip of the nose and tip of the ears. The cause of Raynauds Disease is unknown and in most instances, the Disease is more of a nuisance than anything else.

The condition causes the blood vessels to narrow thereby restricting blood flow bringing on a numbing sensation, turns the area white and or blue, and lessens sensory perception to touch and temperature.

The attacks last for varying periods of time. The condition can cause tissue death in severe cases where the attack lasts for prolonged periods of time. When the attack subsides and as blood flow is restored to normal, the skin surface area will usually turn red and throb or have a tingling sensation.

Raynauds Disease is more common among women and in people who live in colder climates as cold weather and stress can trigger an attack.

Treatment can include drugs to maintain blood flow. When possible, relief can be found by soaking the fingers in warm water at the first sign of an attack.

Sufferers should be sure to wear shoes that are not too tight so as to restrict blood flow to the toes. Wearing good quality Orthotic Arch Support Insoles will help insure proper foot alignment which will result in normal circulation.

Suggested Orthotic Arch Support Insoles to restore or maintain proper foot function and alignment include the Spenco Orthotic Arch Supports, Pedag Leather Orthotics (such as the Viva-Mini Holiday or Viva), Superfeet Premium Insoles, and the Sof Sole Performance Insoles.

These brands and styles have a proven record of success and are all excellent quality products backed with a worthwhile guarantee against defects or customer dissatisfaction.

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