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Product Recommendation: The Best Insoles for Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Spurs

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Raymond asks us:

Good morning. I suffer from plantar fasciitis and have tried several different orthotics that are supposed to help with plantar fasciitis. However, I have a sharp pain in my heel that is caused by a bone spur. When I wear my plantar fasciitis insoles, my heel hurts so badly that I can't walk. What should I do?

Hi Raymond! I'm sorry to hear that the orthotics you've tried in the past haven't worked out for you. Most plantar fasciitis insoles are designed with firm arch support and a deep heel cradle to help alleviate any strain on the plantar fascia tendon. Unfortunately, a lot of these insoles either have no padding or very little padding, making them a poor fit for a condition like heel spurs, where any impact shock can aggravate the bone spur area.

The good news is that there are some good options out there for insoles that can help with both plantar fasciitis and heel spurs. And if buying a brand new set of insoles isn't the route you want to go, we can possibly add some cushioning and shock absorption to your existing insoles, too!

Here's a few ideas for you:

  1. If you already own a pair (or several) of plantar fasciitis relief orthotics, the simplest solution may simply be to add a heel pad or heel cup to your existing orthotics. A heel pad or heel cup will help add some extra cushioning under your heel, which will help dissipate pressure on your heel spur and absorb impact shock that would otherwise aggravate your heel spur.
    Depending on the shape of the orthotics you already have, some heel pads/cups can be placed directly atop your existing orthotics. If your orthotics have a built-in heel cup, you might be better off with a heel pad that can be placed under the orthotic instead.
    For placement atop your insoles, we recommend the Sof Sole Gel Heel Cups; these are a very nice-quality gel heel cup that will really add some good cushioning under the heel of your foot.
    For placement below your insoles, we recommend the Sorbothane Heel Pads. These pads work nicely when placed under an existing pair of insoles and will also provide good cushioning and shock absorption.
  2. If you're looking to replace your current plantar fasciitis insoles with a different insole that might work better with your heel spurs, we can definitely recommend a few things.
    Our first recommendation here would be the 10 Seconds 3810 Ultra Arch Support Insoles. These insoles are thickly cushioned, allowing for maximum padding under the heel of your foot, and also have a shock-absorbing gel heel pad on the underside of the insole for additional padding. The combination of a semi-rigid arch support and a cushioned pad that runs all the way under the arch of the foot will also give you the support you need to ease the plantar fasciitis pain, too. Our only caution here is that these insoles can be on the thicker side, so make sure your shoes have plenty of room.
    If you need something a little thinner, we'd recommend the New Balance Therapeutic Cushion Insoles instead. These insoles have a plush layer of cushioning across the entire insole and a gel heel pad on the underside of the insole, both of which will help alleviate any impact shock or pressure that would aggravate your heel. The semi-rigid arch support and built-in heel cradle will also help alleviate strain on the plantar fascia tendon, helping with the plantar fasciitis, as well.

Let us know what you think about these recommendations. We're happy to answer any questions you might have about any of the products or solutions offered!

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